Touching the sky
A select group of Norwin students are getting a unique opportunity this summer.
Norwin AFJROTC students Kyle Shumber, Luke Sandala, and Jack Chaney will participate in summer flight academy programs in an 8-week aviation program called The Flight Academy at aeronautic schools across the country.
March 30, 2023
Norwin AFJROTC students, Luke Sandala, Jack Chaney, and Kyle Shumber are getting a pretty extraordinary opportunity this summer.
These three Norwin Air Force JROTC students will be going to various different colleges this summer to partake in an 8-week aviation program called The Flight Academy, in which they will be able to earn their own Private Pilot’s certification.

Seniors Jack Chaney and Kyle Shumber will be going to the flight program at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona, while junior cadet Luke Sandala will be completing his flight licensure program at Indiana Wesleyan University.
“I think it’s a fantastic lifelong opportunity they’ll get of having the chance to earn their own private Pilot License just around the same time they will learn to drive,” said Norwin AFJROTC instructor, Colonel Sandala.
Although all three will be completing the same program, they all have different end goals in mind. For instance, Sandala hopes to one day become a Commercial Pilot; while Chaney hopes to become an Air Force pilot. Kyle Shumber, on the other hand, does not hope to become any type of pilot. He actually plans on going to the Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics in hopes of learning how to work on planes. However while their career paths may vary, these students have one thing in common: It’s their love and passion for aviation.
“I’ve always loved aviation from a young age, so when I heard about this program I knew it was too good to pass up,” said Shumber.
Most people would think these students view this experience as nerve racking but they are up for the task.
“I’m not nervous at all really, air travel is quite time tested and oftentimes safer than cars,” said Chaney.
The flight academy is not something in which all students get to go to. Only a select few nationwide get selected for it, so hopefully they can use it to touch the sky!