Although students have always been mixed during the lunch block, this year, there is a significant change in the grade levels being combined each period. Norwin operates their lunches on a rotation, the earliest being A, then B, and finally C. Previously, most freshmen were put into A lunch, while most seniors had C lunch. With the start of the new 2023-2024 school year, lunches are blended with a mixture of grade levels.

“Students have always been mixed during lunch periods,” said Norwin High School assistant principal, Mr. Rocoo Telli. “This year we made a more intentional plan to arrange lunch periods for academic departments. For example, all math and science teachers eat period 5 lunch. This resulted in a more greater mix of grade levels within each lunch period.”
With blending the grade levels during lunches, there are some advantages and disadvantages. It creates the opportunity for the grades to unite, while also providing convenience for teachers.
Due to common department lunch times, “This will allow the opportunity for more teacher collaboration during their lunches,” said Mr. Telli.
The amount of students in each lunch period is considerably big. While many students thought this was because of the grade levels being more combined during the lunch periods than in previous years, it is actually due to additional enrollment. The current high school enrollment stands at 1,729 students, while last year the enrollment was 1,638.
“The size of each lunch is comparable to what they have always been historically,” Mr. Telli said. “The main difference is that there are over 100 additional students in the high school this year. Even with the additional students, there are roughly still roughly 80 seats open in our largest lunch.”
This may not be a huge change to underclassmen, but to seniors who have been eating lunch at Norwin High School for several years now, the merging of grade levels during lunch periods is certainly an adjustment.
“It seems a little bit bigger but not by an insane amount,” said senior Madison Samber. “I’m in C lunch and I just think it’s a little strange that last year I had tables next to my friends, but this year my table is next to freshmen.”
With the beginning of the 2023-24 school year in session, there are multiple changes that have taken place for Norwin. Although each grade level being blended during the lunch periods may be a major adaptation for some, this can be seen as an opportunity for the school to come together.