I always found the sun to be too blinding, too bright to my naive eyes, and too constant: always there, although sometimes hidden. The moonlight is much more appealing, as it lights up my thoughts, but at the same time it goes through a predictable yet beautiful cycle. Even though the moon steals its light from the sun… it is not overbearing.
Today’s society is full of irrevocable noise from those few people around me, instead of focusing on those who do not have the will or want to speak. Today’s society is full of the efforts of those who drown out the light of surrounding moons, instead of casting light on those who too often hide in the shadows out of comfort. Today’s society is filled to the brim with those who scream out their opinions, while others opinions are shut down due to the repressive nature of society where the conscious essence of humanity is limited to those that can speak. Too often, our minds and mouths are shut off by the confines of society.
In a society that celebrates the gregarious and the outgoing, the constantly conscious efforts of introverts can be shut out like the tide slowly but surely going in onto the shore. I have constantly found myself and my mind being shunned by the sun. Constantly not speaking my mind or not going to that event with a friend because I felt like I was meant to stay in the shadows and only appear at nighttime. Like the moon, for my whole life I have felt ashamed to show who I am to this world; even though the world I live in is constant and never pauses to speculate the reason why I have stayed silent.
In my experience, I have found that the unending journey of introverts to find their place in a loud world is laden with challenges that never give up. The extroverted world that we live in too often marginalizes those who find a sweet solace in solitude and knowing that they are at peace with remaining quiet.
The sun that we constantly revolve around forces people to stand out in groups, to lead a project, and to be the face of change in society. However, it is often those who, like the moon, shine not in an overbearing way that produce true change as well. Rosa Parks, a revolutionary figure in history that forever changed the stigma around segregation and also aided in a more equal society, sat quietly when she said “no” to a man asking her to give up her seat. In the moment, she did not shine brightly like the sun, but instead she shone quietly and forever changed the world in which we live in. She was not overbearing, nor did she talk as loudly and brightly as the sun, but she shone with equal importance and intensity.
Introverts, much like the moon, shine silently. It is only with the light of the sun that the moon can shine. Without its light, the beauty of the moon will simply blend in with the night sky and only the stars will be seen. It is people like Parks that will forever change our world, silently screaming against injustices so that these injustices can never show again in the light of our world.
Some may argue that with the pandemic and COVID-19, the world has shifted its course, to show the silent efforts of introverts more so than extroverts. When the pandemic started, and everyone went online either for work or for school, introverts seemed to thrive. However, many introverts struggled silently during this time. In fact, many were too isolated from society, which caused many struggles. COVID-19 caused numerous struggles for both extroverts and introverts alike. Extroverts struggled immensely in the silent workforce that was a direct result of the Coronavirus. While introverts appeared to strive in this silent and non-humane work environment, this lack of communication that occurred as a result of the virus negatively affected introverts too. Many introverts pray for silence in a world that is always speaking; they pray for whispers in a world that seems to be yelling out its opinions. This quiet prayer for silence and the granting of this wish that incurred as a result of COVID-19 forced many quiet souls to stay quiet instead of pushing them out of their comfort zone, into the light and force of the sun. Every once in a while, the moon needs to be in the sky with the sun, in the light of its beauty and solace. By being in the same sky, for all to view, both the moon and the sun can showcase their beauty and endeavors for society to view.
Every once in a while, the moon appears as a sliver in the bright blue sky. It is simply the appreciation of both the constant and predictable cycle of the moon and the everlasting sun which causes the universe to remain calm and laden with continuity. In order to maintain harmony in the universe, the moon must also maintain its course. Without the moon, the tide would not go in everyday, resulting in sure destruction. It is only with both the moon and the sun, that we can rotate on an even axis and maintain our orbit.