Q: Why do you think you were chosen for your scholarship?
A: I think I was chosen for the Murdoch Scholarship because of my involvement in extracurricular activities. I am a three sport athlete, which takes a lot of time and commitment. I have also been the class treasurer for the past 3 years and in doing so I’ve racked up service hours helping with the homecoming carnivals, blood drives, and consignment sales. The scholarship is also based on a variety of criteria other than extracurriculars like personality and intellectual ability, and I’m genuinely honored that the scholarship board and faculty believed I exhibited all of these traits. Regardless of what exactly led to my winning of the scholarship, I am extremely grateful to have gotten it. It’s nice to know that the countless hours spent in the walls of Norwin High School have paid off.
Q: What are your future plans?
A: After graduation, I plan to attend a four year university and attain a degree in mechanical engineering. I have yet to commit to a specific school, as I’m waiting on a few more decisions.