On April 15, the Norwin High School Chamber Singers performed their very first solo spring concert, conducted by Lauren Scheirer. A total of six songs were sung as a group, with the feature of amazing senior solos. In between all of the songs, the Chamber Singers officers — Luke Klamut, Marisa Rendulic, Erin Alexander, and Casey Rose Colcombe — briefly described each song. The set went as follows: “Build Me Up Buttercup”, “Baba Yetu”, “After Music”, “Homeward Bound”, “You Will Be Found”, and “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”. After the Chamber Singers performed “After Music”, the choir sat in the audience to watch the senior festivities. Seniors were gifted a bouquet of flowers each, while being acknowledged individually for their hard work and dedication to the group. After the acknowledgments were said, up next was senior solos.
Performing “I’m Just Ken” from the Barbie movie, featuring Zack Garbinski as Ken, the Chamber Singers senior boys ended the solos with a bang. The entire song was choreographed by Erin Shrader, talented choreographer of the Norwin Theatre Company.
Following “I’m Just Ken”, the Chamber Singers returned to the stage to complete their concert. The rest of it went smoothly, concluding the night on a good note for the Chamber Singers.