I want to be everything and nothing all in the same time. I want to experience everything the world has to offer, but also not be clouded by my own judgment.
I always found the sun to be too blinding, too bright to my naive eyes, and too constant: always there, although sometimes hidden. The moonlight is much more appealing, as it lights up my thoughts, but at the same time it goes through a predictable yet beautiful cycle. Even though the moon steals its light from the sun… it is not overbearing. Every once in a while, the moon appears as a sliver in the bright blue sky. It is simply the appreciation of both the constant and predictable cycle of the moon and the everlasting sun which causes the universe to remain calm and laden with continuity. In order to maintain harmony in the universe, the moon must also maintain its course. Without the moon, the tide would not go in everyday, resulting in sure destruction. It is only with both the moon and the sun, that we can rotate on an even axis and maintain our orbit.
If the world was upside down, I think I would feel much more comfortable. I wouldn’t have mindless objects and thoughts in the way of my everyday movement and path — everything would be above me.
Each community and animal in and around the lake struggle desperately for their lives everyday, treading to stay above the harsh ripples. However I find myself buried in greed and wealth that drowns me of my purity. Each day I find that I obsess over meaningless, materialistic items and am spoiled with the ideas of wanting more instead of simply trying to live.
“Thomas Edison’s last words were ‘It’s very beautiful over there.’ I don’t know where there is, but I believe it’s somewhere, and I hope it’s beautiful.” — Miles Halter, Looking for Alaska
YourNeighborhood Mailman • Sep 20, 2024 at 10:44 am
Really well articulated stuff