With dances always on their minds, the students are always in need for a new dress. Thankfully for them, the Fall Consignment Sale is back and ready to sell some beautiful dresses. The fall sale will take place November 6th and 7th from 3:30 to 7. The sale takes place in the Norwin High School auditorium lobby, and customers should enter through door #6. While many people want to buy dresses, others want to get them off their hands. For those individuals, more information on how to consign your dresses can be found here. For anyone interested, the paperwork and dresses are due by Thursday, October 31. Paperwork and dresses should be turned in to a class officer or to room 214.

The Fall Consignment Sale has been a staple of Norwin High for a long time. The sale is run by Norwin’s junior class officers. While all proceeds go to the junior class office, the main goal of the sale is to equip any girls who want a new dress for an upcoming dance or just want one to be able to get one at a good price. Additionally, the sale is also a good chance for anyone with some extra dresses to make some money. Students who sell dresses will get 65% of the proceeds and the rest goes towards the prom fund so the dance goes off without a hitch.
“Everybody has such a good time as they are trying on dresses,” Mrs. Danae Berentzel, junior class advisor, said. “It is legitimately a fun event, and it’s something that I truly believe all Norwin students enjoy.”
The consignment sale is predominantly run by Norwin’s junior class officers and their advisor Mrs. Brentzel. The class officers and Mrs. Brentzel tag dresses and get them ready to be sold. The variety of dresses this year is higher than it’s ever been before all at a great price for the students. With the increased stock and great prices, the class officers would love to see a large turnout at the sale this year.
“Last year, we had record-breaking numbers,” Mrs. Brentzel said. “I’m hoping to continue that this year as well.”