Global Scholars decorate for National Foreign Language Week

Madison Samber, Writer

A QR code posted in the language hallway so students can vote for their favorite door. The creator of the winning door receives a gift card.

During the week of March 6-10, students in The Global Scholars Program decorated doors in honor of National Foreign Language Week. The theme is “Celebrate Humanity Through Language” and the doors in the language hallare decorated with celebrations around the world. The Global Scholars Program has been decorating doors since 2018, when the program was first brought to Norwin. 

Students decorated the doors with holidays such as Songkran, Ramadan, Obon, Bodhi Day, Diwali, and more. In order to show appreciation to all the different holidays. The doors are decorated to bring awareness to holidays celebrated all over the world. 

“They decorate the doors to show all students in the school the importance of learning a second language and what the world looks like outside of Norwin,” said Mrs. Danielle Llerena, a Spanish teacher and a sponsor of the Global Scholars Program. “All cultures and languages are unique and we can gain an appreciation for them all.”

The students participating in the decorating of the doors can gain service hours, which are a requirement for the program. Students need 4 years of a language in which they maintain a B-average, 20 hours of community service that’s “global in nature,” 2 global course electives, participation in extra curricular global activities, and 8 literature/ media reviews. More global scholars information found here.

  For more information on National Foreign Language Week.