Graduation Editorial
June 8, 2022
I’m not gonna lie, high school sucked.Between everchanging friend groups, witnessing stupid drama, and tons of work it felt like I could never catch a break. As frustrating it could be at times I was able to make do and thrive with the resources I had. One organization that solidified my high school experience was FCCLA. FCCLA is the Family Career and Community Leaders of America and it proved to be my niche in high school.
I was fortunate enough to be a part of this club all four years and serve as an officer for three of those years. I made friends and have experienced one in a lifetime events that have helped shape me into the person I am today. I made friendships that will last a lifetime. The skills I have learned through interacting with those in my community through service projects will continue to benefit me through college and into the workforce.

The projects I have done investigating different aspects of my possible career have helped guide me to nursing and West Virginia University. Without FCCLA I really don’t know where I’d be or what I’d be involved in. Of course I can’t talk about FCCLA without talking about Mrs. Greene. Through the past four years Mrs. Greene has helped me navigate the responsibility of leadership and situations in my own life.
Mrs. Greene never failed to be there for me offering a shoulder to cry on or comforforting words. I don’t think anything I could ever do or write could truly express just how grateful I am for everyone I have met and been able to work with through the past four years in FCCLA.
FCCLA has changed my life and given me opportunities that otherwise I never would have had. I’ve been able to travel, meet kids from other schools, discover my career, and learn how to be the best leader I can. Mrs. Greene and
FCCLA has changed my life and I can’t wait to see what the future holds and how I can use the skills I have learned these past four years for the rest of my life.