FCCLA brings awareness to children’s grief
Sitting at the Children’s Grief awareness table, Juniors Kailey Resnik, Maria Janiga, and Madison Samber post encouraging messages on the bulletin.
December 12, 2022
According to the Children’s Awareness Day website, one out of 20 children will experience the death of a parent before they graduate high school. On Thursday, Nov. 17, Norwin High School students and FCCLA(Future Community Career Leaders of America) club members recognized Children’s Grief Awareness, a day dedicated to giving support surrounding grieving children and their needs.
The third Thursday of every November is dedicated to Children’s Grief Awareness. During that week, FCCLA students worked to create awareness and support throughout the high school surrounding children who may have lost family members, and the grief they may face as a result.
“Children’s Grief Awareness week is a meaningful week to the members of FCCLA,” said FCCLA president, Kira Walkosak (12). “This cause brings awareness to the children that may have lost parents or family members and the mental obstacles that they carry with them.”

Children’s Grief Awareness is recognized internationally. It works to educate the public about grieving children’s needs. It also spreads resources and support for those who may need them.
“This week has so much meaning to it as we as a society need to become more aware and accepting of the issues or struggles many people face alone,” Walkosak said. “With that said, FCCLA likes to bring light to such a prevalent issue and be a caring face to anyone who may need to talk.”
Students decorated the hallways with blue streamers and butterflies— a symbol of hope for those suffering from grief. FCCLA club members also added meaningful posters throughout the school.
“FCCLA dedicated Thursday, November 17th as a “Blue out day” and decorated a table in each school lunch to show the members’ awareness,“ said Walksosak.“Each table has butterflies to sign significant messages that you would like these children to hear. The turnout was amazing in all three lunches!”
All Norwin students were encouraged to wear blue. The butterflies posted during lunch read positive and uplifting messages. Throughout the school year, FCCLA takes part in many activities pertaining to community needs.
“FCCLA loves to include themselves in initiatives such as this one,” Walkosak said. “As Christmas is coming up soon, our main focus is giving back to our community families who need financial help during the winter. Our next initiative is a sock campaign! This fundraiser sells fun, funky socks for Christmas gifts, but also allows WeHelpTwo to give back one pair of socks to donate for every two pairs we sell. These will be provided to any organization we choose in hopes of giving a gift that can keep families warm this season!”