Education with a twist- what Norwin students take for granted with new normals

Miah Wojdyla, Social Media Editor

With strict CDC guidelines that protect students from COVID-19, new normals hit the classrooms. Major adjustments for the 2020-2021 school year brought several Norwin students to express how they took pre-COVID learning for granted.  

     Norwin’s hybrid system impacts students’ previous steady routine they had all of their high school careers. Some students recognize what means more now then before COVID-19 at school.

     “I will never complain again, waking up at 6 am five days a week,” said junior Addy Schultz. “My schedule is all over the place, I still haven’t found a routine, it’s different every week.” Schultz, along with other students in the blue group, Wednesday’s are their new Sunday’s. “I used to dread going 5 days a week, now I miss it more than anything.” 

      “I took for granted how much I’m used to seeing all of my friends at school so often,” said senior Logan Divald. “Now it’s half the people, half the time.” 

      Divald along with other students only go to school with those of the last names in their assigned blue or gold group. “I will also miss the events that we have every year,” said Divald. As of now, Homecoming rituals (dance, parade, carnival, attending football games, ect.) have been altered or cancelled. “I hope by spring we can have dances and sporting events, that’s really what everyone looks forward to senior year.” 

     “I hate sitting in a classroom for 42 minutes getting lectured and having busy work, but now I miss it,” said senior Mackenzie Astorino. “This new learning experience, I feel like I’m getting nothing accomplished.” Astorino, along with other students have to complete three days of school work at home. “I have been able to keep a job and focus on outside school things more, I’m worried it might catch up with me later in the year.” The Norwin school board will determine if hybrid will continue into the second nine weeks. “Safety and health comes first, I just appreciate face-to-face learning way more now that it’s practically gone,” said Astorino. 

     Teachers and staff mask up five days a week in the classroom with smaller groups of students and virtually on Wednesdays. 

      “I took for granted how much I rely on nonverbal communication. It has become more difficult to gauge students’ level of understanding and interest because of masks,” said Ms. Braid. “I took for granted the sheer amount of students I interacted with in person each day. Small class sizes are beneficial for many reasons, but if a class is too small, the energy level can be low and class discussions can be difficult.” 

     The Norwin community plans on keeping the school open all year in hopes to keep all students and staff healthy. Finding a right balance while remaining safe seems to be the biggest challenge students and staff will face this year. “As cliche as it sounds, a positive attitude is essential. Don’t be afraid to smile under your mask,” said Braid. “And, reach out to teachers for help when you need it. Your success is our success, too.”