College acceptances

Rochelle Lawrence, Writer

 As the 2021 high school year comes closely to an end, the question on everyone’s mind is:  “What college will I be attending?” Seniors at Norwin High have been applying to college as early as their junior year, and now, the time has come to decide which college to attend.

   In a recent poll sent out to Norwin seniors, 94 percent polled plan to attend college or some after high school academic facility, 89 percent of them have already been accepted with the remaining 11 percent  with applications pending.

     Many factors come into play when deciding where to attend college, factors like location which from the result of the poll was the main contributor when making their decisions. Some other contributing factors were scholarships, cost and not surprisingly, weather conditions. 

     When trying to find the perfect college fit one other factor that seniors took into account was the majors available. Each school’s website clearly identifies each major and the courses offered for each, leaving the decision quite clear to its applicants.  

     Many colleges this year have opted to implement a test optional application where students can opt out of providing the school with their SAT or ACT scores as COVID-19 has caused delays and disturbances in the usual schedule of the tests. With that being said, some seniors had some tips on how to make the application process a bit easier.

     “Get as much help as possible,” said senior Lucas Schmondiuk who will be attending the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. 

     84 percent of students polled said that advice from their parents made the application process more manageable. 68 percent admitted that they were highly influenced by family and friends during the application period as well. 

     “Do it with a parent and ask questions to counselors,” said senior Olivia Sicuro,  “We don’t know everything and to just be blind-sided by costs and major choices just isn’t worth it.”

     Most school applications close on May 1, 2021 so there is still enough time to research, apply and select the school that is best suited to you and your needs. 

      “Take the advice that is given to you,” said senior Brooke Alexander who will be attending Saint Francis University, “But in the end it’s your future so choose what makes you happy and what you feel is right.”

**Email us your college acceptance photos to [email protected] to be included in our gallery**