Knight Krier

Comments (18)

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  • B

    BJul 12, 2024 at 2:43 am

    I thought this was a fun and entertaining movie. It’s not supposed to be Shakespeare. There were some unusual scenes and some strain to believe the plot. For example, with all of the cameras that they talked about in New York City, how come they couldn’t find taxi cab that Dakota Fanning stole in order to save the girls. Also the he scenes in the Amazon defied belief. She just up and went to the airport after the movie had shown the fact that she was wanted for the kidnapping of the girls. Anyway, the movie was amusing , and I enjoyed it.

  • T

    Terry PickettJun 28, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    concho I thought the fight scenes could have been better filmed. The overall story was great but you had to pay attention. Some of the subtle ways things were connected was easily missed if not paying attention. I had to watch it twice to catch all of the story line. but I loved the way is was done otherwise.

  • M

    MuhammadJun 23, 2024 at 3:46 pm

    In your comment, you could playfully critique the movie while subtly promoting your jacket brand. Here’s a suggestion:

    “Your review of ‘Madame Web’ had me in stitches! While I agree the film might not win any awards for direction or costume choices (seriously, who wears a red jacket to a funeral?), I couldn’t help but notice Casey Webb’s unique style in that scene. It got me thinking about where I could find a jacket similar to hers, and lo and behold, I stumbled upon this gem from safyd. com/product/womens-madame-web-double-breasted-jacket/. Perfect for standing out without drawing attention from a super-powered villain! Can’t wait to wear it and watch more unintentional comedy from the Sony Spider-Man Universe. Cheers to embracing the delightful chaos of cinema!”

  • J

    Joshua RezaJun 22, 2024 at 12:16 pm

    I love how the newspaper of the kids abduction came out several hours after the subway incident where the guy called the cops at the diner ‍♂️. Also her driving a stolen taxi around for days and no one reported it even when she went to Peru.

  • T

    Thomas LoughranJun 7, 2024 at 6:23 am

    This movie wasn’t half as bad a the last 3or 4 Marvel movies that somehow didn’t get labeled the worse movie of all time. And if a major criticism is she wore the wrong color to a funeral, well hmm . My wife liked this movie a lot and I enjoyed it as a light action thriller. Sorry I guess I missed the atrocious acting by all the otherwise well regarded actors. Didn’t notice the voice thing but I watched it on a plane with 50 cent earbuds. Jerky camera moves during a fight scene also didn’t really jump out at me as a major letdown. I think this thing got review bombed and everyone felt obliged to go along with it. Compared to the last Ant Man or Marvels, this was just a fun action movie that didn’t last 3 hours.

  • A

    Amanda HammondJun 2, 2024 at 7:35 pm

    Lol! Love this review. FTR, my sound went out for the last 45 minutes while I was on a plane so I watched that part with CC on. IMO, it was substantially improved when I couldn’t hear Cassie’s weird monotone.

  • C

    CHRIS RENALDIMay 31, 2024 at 9:42 pm

    Don’t listen to this guy he’s reasoning is as bad as the movie. It is a waste of your time. It’s such a turd. I had to turn it off halfway through then try to watch it again then try to watch it again. It just will not work for you.

  • J

    Jennifer SilveMay 31, 2024 at 4:19 am

    Agreed. It is so bad, but I enjoy watching it again and again. It was very entertaining.

  • E

    Elizabeth G. WhittierMay 29, 2024 at 2:04 am

    I am disappointed in the ridiculous reviews on the move, “ Madame Web” because this is meant to be a fun Marvel movie !! It is being critiqued like it is English Literature . . . Get a life people you are criticizing an enjoyable Marvel movie that a lot of us have enjoyed viewing. It is actually one of my favorite hero vs Villain stories to date. I liked everything about it and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to relax with a bag of popcorn and enjoy movie night with most of the Family. It had an amazing story to tell and fun acting. I loved it !!!!!!!!

  • D

    danaMay 27, 2024 at 1:29 pm

    THIS review said everything I was thinking!!! It really was like I wrote it. I would like to add that Cassie’s (Dakota) reactions to any situation were completely OUT of the handbook for bad acting 101. She smiles when she shouldn’t be (when the scene is intense), her replies to any situation don’t continue the feelings…they deflate them. She says this is going to get ugly about 30 times too many…including the 1st time she said it. I can barely remember what the girls looked like and I just finished watching the movie. I had the whole story, back story and plot figured out within 10 minutes. I kept thinking this thing would get better….so I did keep watching. By the end I just wanted to see how bad it would get. I found out. The ending has to be one of the worst managed super hero movie endings ever!

  • A

    Andrew GraeberMay 20, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    Anyone who actually listens to critic views. Are missing out on good movies or books or whatever. They only give their opinion and you know what opinions are like. Don’t listen to them make up your own mind.

  • C

    CurtisMay 14, 2024 at 11:29 pm

    My favorite was when Cassie resolved a lifetime of trauma in 45 seconds by getting pushed in the water by another spider guy who inexplicably is hanging out in the Amazon wearing a long cardigan. Who knew it was just that simple? And of course it led to that intense dialogue of quirky accent spider villain randomly saying “you’re just like your mother” (because apparently they too had fought in a fireworks exploding warehouse back in the 70s, what are the odds) to which Cassie wittily replies “yes I am”. Because despite not having anything in common with her nor having met her, she knew – in her girl power heart of hearts – that she was just like her. Cinematic masterpiece indeed.

  • M

    MicheleMay 5, 2024 at 5:43 am

    Nice review. I would like to add one thing.

    It is not a great movie but it managed to recreate the 2000 atmosphere. Even the Beyonce poster worked in that sense in my opinion.
    Mostly however I liked it because it gave the same felling as reading side stories comics with minor characters compared to the big ones (in this case Spiderman). The drawing wasn’t great, the plot feeble and messy at the same time and all in al the level low but it was all expected and enjoyable and refreshing in it own way. Probably it wasn’t intentional but the movie succeeded in entertaining in the same way.

  • A

    Average beaverApr 13, 2024 at 12:18 pm

    Urgh…the movie was so exceedingly excellent that it brought the whole house down and yes please prepare to get thrown under the bus.

  • A

    AyoApr 6, 2024 at 10:26 pm

    In my opinion it was just the script and camera that were bad, not the actor. It’s not the actors’ faults that they didn’t fit the character, but I do agree that Cassy didn’t fit Dakota. Otherwise it’s really just the writing and they way they did scenes like The Office.

  • S

    StineMar 2, 2024 at 11:54 am

    No, of course just like others movies, it could have been better and regardless of what anyone says it was entertaining and the ladies did great.

    • B

      BrentMar 5, 2024 at 9:06 am


  • A

    Anthony OlshanskiMar 1, 2024 at 9:19 am

    Great Article Liam and I appreciate the comedic angle of something that might have been hard to watch for its entire duration.
