On Thursday, Dec. 4, the German club took a trip to Hofbräuhaus on the South Side to sample German cuisine. Marking the first German Club trip of the year and the return of Hofbräuhaus’s group menu, it was a great night for everyone who went. With the reintroduction of the group menu, every student on the trip could pay a fixed price of $38 in advance for the trip instead of paying after and having to scramble to pay each bill. However, dessert was not included in the base price, so students would have to order that for themselves.
The German Club goes on a trip to Hofbräuhaus every year, with all four grades allowed to come. It is a time for all high school students to have fun together, regardless of whether they are freshmen or seniors, and a continuing German club tradition. The German Club has been going to Hofbräuhaus at this time of year for more than a few years now.
“I really like going because it’s a chance to share the culture and the food of Germany and it’s fairly authentic,” said David Street, the German teacher and trip advisor. “Hofbräuhaus was one of the first places where my host family took me to eat when I first visited Germany as a teenager in the summer after the first Gulf War.”

Haufbrauhaus’s food comes in a range of dishes for all enjoyers of German food and those who have never enjoyed the wonders of German food can experience it for the first time. Although the students were not able to order everything that they might have wished because of the group menu, there was still a delicious spread of food and drinks for them to enjoy over the course of the night.
“My favorite part of going was definitely getting to try the German food,” said Noelle Kravitz, a junior who went on the trip. “I’ve never had German food up until I visited the restaurant!”
The trip to Hofbräuhaus was an opportunity for everyone in the German Club to get together and enjoy the atmosphere while furthering their knowledge of traditional German culture at home in the Pittsburgh area.
“We will probably go back next year, though there are a couple other good German restaurants so perhaps we’ll shake it up a bit,” said Street. “Hofbräuhaus is in a pretty convenient location so that helps make the timing feasible.”