A cure for senioritis

A step-by-step guide by a Norwin senior on how to do your best during senior year


Mackenzie Shrum, Writer

I walk into all my classes with one agenda in my head: to do absolutely nothing. I slouch in my seat, earbuds in, and get ready for a carefree class. In the back of my head as I slack off is the fact that I’m already accepted to twelve different schools and I get to work much less now than I had to in previous years. Rather than bustling to study and psychoanalyzing every project I have to present, I sit relaxed in my government class. This sounds like the dream to any underclassman but I feel incredibly lazy. After years of working hard in school, I just sit now in class, collecting grades as easy as it is to catch a cold. Everyday is repetitive with an endless cycle of not caring and not being as challenged as I used to be. The year is almost over and I have to cure this senioritis soon. College won’t be a cake walk and I have to get back to my good work habits before they stick with me longer than desired.

Step 1: Don’t underestimate the easy classes

I will be completely honest, my classes this year are easy. I took honors and AP courses my first few years of school but now it just doesn’t seem necessary. I was challenged in previous years but now, not as much. This leads me to dozing off in class, playing games on my phone, or point blank not paying attention. I haven’t got a bad grade at all this year, but I can’t say I have learned a whole lot. The classes I found interesting captivated me and I lendeed my attention to them but that can’t be the case. Everything should give you interest. If you aren’t entertained by the subject, find something minimal to get excited about. Relate Shakespeare to famous movies you love with similar plots, relate to Public Speaking to Ted Talks, or maybe relate Financial Math to how you’ll use your money when going to college. Find something that interests you so you at least learn something from your classes this year. 

Step two: Remember your future is dependent on this year

I am very close to committing to Saint Vincent College. A very good school. It’d be hard for my grades to go down so tremendously that it risks my chances of scholarships or even being denied admission but it is a chance. I can’t slack enough to the point I’m turning nothing in and not studying for any classes or my future goals are cuput. Not only that, I am actively building habits that will progress into my college years. I need to understand that these classes may be easy but doing my best to get the best grades I can, matters.

Step three: Never forget how school used to be 

  I remembered the biggest struggle at the beginning of my school career was ripping the glue off of my stubby fingers and focusing with my tongue out to color in the lines. Now I’m writing essays for scholarships and critiquing college choices. Things have definitely changed from when I started school and now but its important to still remember all the good times. All the times I laughed with a class over a teacher’s joke, concentrating extra hard on a lesson I’m more interested in than others, and discussing books with the class making me far more inclined to read on. Remember all the little joys that elementary, intermediate,middle, and high school brought that to you to keep you motivated to make more memories. 

Step four: Go out on a high note!

  I never got fantastic grades, shocker. All through high school I mostly received more B’s than A’s. I was never proud of my grades, my only goal was to just pass all my classes and nothing more. Junior year I was turning it around. I had harder classes and I was doing my best to work harder on my grades. Now I’m in my senior year with much easier classes and I’m getting As without even trying. Even if perfect scorers are within my reach without much of a stretch, shouldn’t I still stay on top of everything and give each assignment my all? Yes, absolutely. Sure, most grades are given but some aren’t and it’s not like I have much going on at the moment, why not give some extra time to getting the best grades?

Step five: Have fun

I can safely say my senior year was my best year of high school ever. I got closer with teachers, friends, and finally felt like I was comfortable in my own skin. Is it because I’m finally leaving? Is it because I’m accepted into college and no longer have to worry about that? Is it because classes are easier and my time here is shorter? No, it’s because I grew at my time at Norwin and I’m ready to grow more at college. I have learned a lot from Norwin and can thank this school for developing me into who I am today. I am not done learning from this school and my contagious case of senioritis will not stop me from still growing even more as a student, a friend, a mentor, and future Norwin alumni.