Norwin Works! gets to work at the Clothing Drive
Christmas is the time for giving
The many bags of clothing that were collected during the clothing drive by the Norwin Works! program.
December 12, 2022
Everyone has extra shirts, pants, and clothes lying in their closet sitting in a box. With the holidays and Christmas coming up, many people are in need of clothing and a new wardrobe.
On Nov. 11, the Norwin Works! program collected and donated clothing from Norwin High School staff in room 128 of Norwin High School.
Mrs. Malissa Cheplick, club adviser for the Norwin Works! program said, “The clothing drive was to benefit the Salvation Army as their donations are low and the busy holiday season is coming up- they needed some help.”
Norwin Works! is a work-based learning program that teaches work readiness to students with disabilities. The students that are in this program work at the Salvation Army and know what items and clothing the store is in need of.
Teachers and other staff were able to donate clothes to help the Salvation Army. The staff in the building dropped off clothing on their way to school.
“We thought that by providing an opportunity for teachers to drop off clothes to our van as they drove into school, that it would encourage people to donate,” said Cheplick.
“I believe it was a success. We were able to donate a lot of clothing,” Cheplick said.
The Norwin Works! students filled an entire van with clothing donations to drop off to the Salvation Army.
“Additionally, Sheridan Terrace had a clothing give-away the day after our drive,” said Cheplick. “We were able to collect the leftovers and donate that clothing as well.”