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The Student News Site of Norwin High School

Knight Krier

The Student News Site of Norwin High School

Knight Krier

The Student News Site of Norwin High School

Knight Krier

Oliver Hinson

Oliver Hinson, President/ Website Manager

Oliver is a senior, and he has been a part of the newspaper staff for 3 years. He covers a wide range of topics, from school news to student features, professional sports, and even some editorials. Aside from newspaper, he is also a member of the cross country team and Model United Nations. After his secondary education is completed, he plans to attend college to further study journalism, although he has not decided on his destination just yet.

All content by Oliver Hinson
People take what you give them

People take what you give them

Oliver Hinson, President — Editor-in-chief
May 23, 2023
The decision of whether or not to play one’s sport in college can be a tough one, and there are a lot of factors that could play in.

When is the right time to hang up the jersey?

Oliver Hinson, President/Editor-in-chief
April 14, 2023

Indoor track team caps off season

Oliver Hinson, President – Editor-in-chief
March 17, 2023
The Norwin High School Course of Studies, which outlines the school's grading procedures and describes every course offered, will look a lot different this year.

Big changes to Norwin grading

Oliver Hinson, President – Editor-in-chief
February 14, 2023
Look, I made this awful whiteboard drawing of an Eagles/Phillies fan climbing a light post, because that’s what Philadelphians like to do.

Philadelphia, the anti-hero

Oliver Hinson, President – Editor-in-chief
February 11, 2023
A consumption tax sounds effective in theory, but it would hit lower class families much harder than everyone else.

A Consumption Tax Doesn’t Work For US

Oliver Hinson, President – Editor-in-chief
January 20, 2023
Freshman Annie Czajkowski and junior Rosemary Gaydos pose under the finish line at the PIAA XC Championship course in Hershey, PA. Cjazkowski finished 57th in the AAA girls race.

Norwin XC finishes season at PIAA Championships

Oliver Hinson, President – Head Editor
November 15, 2022
The KC-135 aircraft that the cadets boarded refueled a C-130 aircraft in close proximity.

Norwin JROTC takes flight

Oliver Hinson, President – Website Manager
November 10, 2022
The Knights pose with their 1’s held up after beating Greater Latrobe and Yough to clinch section titles.

Norwin XC wins section titles

Oliver Hinson, President – Head Editor
October 25, 2022
A typical free breakfast, shown here, contains a breakfast entree (french toast sticks and sausage) and a piece of fruit or fruit juice (apple juice).

Free breakfast returns to Norwin

Oliver Hinson, President – Head Editor
October 18, 2022
The girls' XC team starts off their first section meet at Ligonier Valley and Indiana.

Norwin Cross Country aiming to take back section titles

Oliver Hinson, President – Head Editor
September 15, 2022
Are standardized tests an artifact?

Are standardized tests an artifact?

Oliver Hinson, Club President – Sports Editor
May 31, 2022
Schmook (far left) and Scherle (far right) stand with their javelin coach, Geary Tray.

Inside Norwin’s dynamic javelin duo

Oliver Hinson, President – Website Manager
May 28, 2022
Freshman Melani Schmidt, junior Nataiah Robertson-Dutrielle, and senior Bernadette Zukina run the 200 meter dash against Latrobe.

Norwin track still undefeated after statement wins

Oliver Hinson, President – Website Manager
April 20, 2022
Ever since the fateful day of March 13th, 2020, cynicism has engulfed us.

March 13th, 2020: Two years later

Oliver Hinson, President – Website Manager
March 22, 2022
Sabol graduated from Norwin in 2013, and since then, he's made a living with his art, performing live for audiences and decorating cleats for star athletes.

Norwin’s Own: Cody Sabol

Oliver Hinson, President – Website Manager
March 7, 2022
The Knights opened their winter season with a meet at Edinboro University.

Winter track returns to indoor competition

Oliver Hinson, Co-President, editor
January 31, 2022
All viewpoints are bound to be different; removing just one leads to a slippery slope.

To ban a book

Oliver Hinson, President – Website Manager
January 26, 2022
Lee Fetterman rolls his ball towards the pallina.

Unified Bocce kicks off season

Oliver Hinson, President – Website Manager
January 26, 2022
The Honor Band prepares for the Tournament of Roses Parade in California.

Norwin Band represented well at Rose Parade

Oliver Hinson, Co-President, writer
January 17, 2022
Keeping streaks seems like a trivial habit, but psychology tells us that there are some benefits.

What’s in a streak?

Oliver Hinson, Club President – Sports Editor
January 5, 2022
The Hinson Angle: Pickett to Pittsburgh

The Hinson Angle: Pickett to Pittsburgh

Oliver Hinson, Co-President, web manager
December 13, 2021
Hladek won four medals for Team USA, including three golds and a bronze.

The Karate Kid

Oliver Hinson, Co-President, web manager
November 22, 2021
On Wed. Nov. 10, the Norwin School District changed course on its mask mandate and reverted to its Health & Safety Plan adopted prior to the school year.  Students will now have the "choice" to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status.

Mask mandate temporarily overturned

Oliver Hinson, Co-President, web manager
November 16, 2021
Despite only living in Puerto Rico for a few months, Jarosz (left) has already made several friends.

A valedictorian, a decision, and the trip of a lifetime

Oliver Hinson, Club Co-President & News Editor
October 11, 2021
The mask mandate came as a surprise to many.

Covid protocols still around for 21-22 school year

Oliver Hinson, Club President – Sports Editor
September 30, 2021
Patriotism has its merits, but placing too much importance on it is dangerous.

Patriotism: an overrated principle

Oliver Hinson, Co-President, web manager
September 29, 2021
Quiz bowl team returns to competition after long absence

Quiz bowl team returns to competition after long absence

Oliver Hinson, Club President – News Editor
September 27, 2021
Norwin athletic trainers Mr. Brian Mesich (football), Mrs. Angie Snowberger & Mr. Dave Snowberger (Excela Health)

Meet the Snowbergers

Oliver Hinson, Writer
March 29, 2021
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